Senin, 31 Maret 2014

Posted by Evi Ludfiani..
1.         Give description on how to write paragraph with adequate and inadequate cohesion.
·        A good paragraph is composed of coherent and cohesion. We have learned about three basic structures of well written paragraph, namely topic sentence, supporting sentence and concluding sentence. In addition to the organization, writing must also embrace coherence and cohesion.
·         Unity refers to the extent to which all of the ideas contained within a given paragraph “hang together” in a way that is easy for the reader to understand.
·         Coherence refers to the extent to which the flow of ideas in a paragraph is easily understood by the reader. For this reason, coherence is closely related to unity.
·        A paragraph is adequately developed when it describes, explains and supports the topic sentence. If the "promise" of the topic sentence is not fulfilled, or if the reader is left with questions after reading the paragraph, the paragraph has not been adequately developed.

2.      Tell more about cohesion.
·        Cohesion is interdepartmental relations in the text marked use of language elements. Cohesion concept basically refers to the relationship form, meaning that the elements of discourse (word or phrase) that is used to construct a coherent discourse has linkages and intact. Integration of Shape (Cohesion)
If the coherence associated with the content, the cohesion or coherency forms relating to the use of his words. It could be one of the main ideas put forward a paragraph, but not necessarily the paragraphs that say cohesive if the words are not coherent.
·        to create cohesion in which sentences stick together, there are two ways namely :
1)       Logical cohesion
There are two main ways to achieve lexical cohesion:
a.       Repetition of words, a number of content words are repeated throughout out the text, religious [four times]
b.       Lexical set’’chain’’, there are words which interrelate each other in the same topic area.
2)     Grammatical cohesion
This is achieved in a number of different ways too:
a.       Pronoun and possessive reference. Pronoun or more frequently a possessive is used instead of a noun.
b.       Article reference. Articles are used for text cohesion.
c.       Tense agreement, writers use tense agreement to make text cohesive.
d.       Linkers, the text also achieve coherence through the use of linkers,
3.      Write more about the difference between coherence and cohesion.
·        The difference between cohesion and coherence at something integrated or combined. In cohesion, which is integrated visible elements of the text, including the structure of the grammar. Integration of Shape (Cohesion), if the coherence associated with the content, the cohesion or coherence forms relating to the use of his words. It could be one of the main ideas put forward a paragraph, but not necessarily the paragraphs that say cohesive if the words are not coherent.Meanwhile , cohesiveness or coherence have elements like ( meaning , concepts , and knowledge ) that are combined .
·         In brief, coherence means balance. it is the appropriate connections among the sentences. One of them is called as transitional signs. The transitional signs are essential because they connect one sentence to the other. They provide a unity and a smooth shift between them. They allow the ideas and point to be presented in a very clear pattern for the readers.

4.      Show which text or sentence that shows adequate or inadequate cohesion on your paragraph by underlining or putting in the table.
Introductory  Paragraph
I will describe a little about me , and it is real ,so I will try to describe it. This is one of  the related to me both my strengths, my weakness and my flaws. in this text I will describe  just about the general of me. and, I tell you about my life such as my parents and brother, my character look like,  my hobby etc.
 (Body Paragraph)

In a village known as Suryamataram village, margatiga, east Lampung. I was born, and my mother's name is suratmi and my father’s name is Samsuri.

(Body Paragraph)

My name is Evi Ludfiani ,and my nick name is EviLut, I was born on  26th of January 1995 in Surya Mataram, Marga Tiga East Lampung, now I am 19 years old , my skin is brown color, slanted eyes , my weight 45 kg , my height is 160 cm , I have short -hair , sweet , slightly aquiline nose, I was born in a family that is simple and hard worker. My father’s name is samsuri and my mother’s name is suratmi, my parents always  work together every day, and I always help them when I go home because I love my parents.
 I am also have sisters and brother, five sisters and one brother, my sister number one and two have married and also my brother, and my sister number four have graduate from STAIN tulungangung, east java, and my sister number six still study at senior high school and also my sister number seven still study at junior high school. I am also a good natured and likes to hanging out with my friends , I am also the type of person who is simple, I have many favorite colors such as orange , blue , white and green.  A lot of people said, I look like a quiet person  but I think I am not the type of person who reserved, except that my face looks like a quiet person and I am also the kind of a good and understanding ,
 I included the simple type of person , like to mingle with friends, sweet , not arrogant , loyal and helpful , I have some hobbies like reading funny stories , singing , drawing and writing daily , I really like doing it , because I think drawing is the most pleasant thing , we can imagine of drawing, ever I draw myself , my home , and others , I think I have an interesting hobby and make activities better and not bored. I prefer to spend my spare time hanging out with friends, relaxing , eating together , shopping together , because this is one of the time that can foster a sense of socializing with friends, can help each other and mutual understanding ,

Concluding Paragraph
Accordingly, that’s all about me. If there are some mistakes. I am sorry about that, maybe it is my weakness, And the last I say Thanks a lot for it.

ü The different color of blue with underlining shows adequate cohesion.

5.      You should explain why your text or sentence that you underline is categorized into cohesion.
·        Because the relationship between the inside of the marked text with the use of language elements. The concept of cohesion in reference to the shape of the relationship, meaning that the elements of the discourse of the word or phrase that is used to construct a coherent discourse has linkages and intact.
With connecting phrases together so that the whole text is clear and readable. It achieved by several methods, such as the use of conjunction. Meanwhile, cohesion refers to the ways in which texts are stuck together, the ways in which sentences are linked or connected.

Senin, 24 Maret 2014

NAME : EVI LUDFIANI [12340040]
How To Write Paragraph ( explanation ) With Adequate And Inadequate Unity And Coherence ?.
·        Coherence refers to the extent to which the flow of ideas in a paragraph is easily understood by the reader. For this reason, coherence is closely related to unity.
·        A paragraph is adequately developed when it describes, explains and supports the topic sentence. If the "promise" of the topic sentence is not fulfilled, or if the reader is left with questions after reading the paragraph, the paragraph has not been adequately developed.

I will describe a little about me , my name is Evi Ludfiani ,and my nick name is EviLut, I was born on  26th of January 1995 in Surya Mataram, Marga Tiga East Lampung, now I am 19 years old , my skin is brown color, slanted eyes , my weight 45 kg , my height is 160 cm , I have short -hair , sweet , slightly aquiline nose. I am also a good natured and likes to hanging out with my friends , I am also the type of person who is simple , I have many favorite colors such as orange , blue , white , and green , a lot of people say I look like a quiet person , but I think I am not the type of person who reserved, except that my face looks like a quiet person , and I am also the kind of a good and understanding , I live in  Surya Mataram Village , Marga Tiga, East Lampung. I included the simple type of person , like to mingle with friends, sweet , not arrogant , loyal and helpful , I have some hobbies like reading funny stories , singing , drawing and writing daily , I really like doing it , because I think drawing is the most pleasant thing , we can imagine of drawing , ever I draw myself , my home , and others , I think I have an interesting hobby and make activities better and not bored . I prefer to spend my spare time hanging out with friends, relaxing , eating together , shopping together , because this is one of the time that can foster a sense of socializing with friends, can help each other and mutual understanding , may be sufficient description of  me. That’s all about my self. And THANK YOU.

 blue color        : title
 orange color   : identification
 red color         : description

1.                   Descriptive paragraph 2.                   300-500 words your dream family a person you admire a place yo...