Sabtu, 10 Januari 2015

1.                  Descriptive paragraph
2.                  300-500 words
your dream family
a person you admire
a place you feel safe

         WRITING 3
A Place You Feel Safe
My name is Evi lutfiani, I am going to tell you which one the best place that I feel safe?. Exactly my village (Suryamataram Village) or my birthplace, where I was born in the safe place. I can feel safe in the place itself (I mean my village), the place itself, has the fresh air, has the comfortable condition, so many person who live in the place itself, of course feel comfortable and the people who live around of the place are so nice, so that's why I can feel safe in this place, my village is very broad and has many tree, the type of the tree, the size of the tree that small, big, short, high and etc. Has many the type of the fruits, such as banana fruits, mango fruits, orange fruits, coconut fruits, pineapple fruits, watermelon fruits, papaya fruits and etc. So every moon the people who live in the place itself can eat so many fruits in the garden fruit, we just take in the garden not buy in the market, so this is the excess from my village and people who live in the place itself feel safe, comfortable and feel enough with the results of their own crops. My village has a grassy place, no pollution, so many flowers, this is a part of my village that has a grassy place, that’s the important things, the place that has a grassy place of course there is no pollution or free from pollution, and the animal farm can eat in the grass grassy every time. So I can take conclusion from the text above, the beautiful place is a place that you feel safe, that can make us feels comfortable, that has a beautiful views, has the fresh air, safe condition, there is no pollution and the people who live around of the place are so nice.

Aku adalah kata yang terlahir dari hati dan pikiranmu, kata yang membentuk kalimat-kalimat indahmu dan menjadi sebuah cerita. Aku ingin berteman agar pemaknaanku jelas dan kau bumbuhi aku dengan beragam tanda baca, hingga akupun lebih mudah untuk dipahami. Kau adalah pena yang melukis kata-kata itu diatas selembar kertas, tintamu penuh warna, dan kalimatmu sangat beragam, tulisan itu berliku dengan penuh keindahan. Bagaimana jadinya kamu tanpa adanya abjad yang membentuk kalimat-kalimatmu, mungkin dirimu hanya mampu melukis bentuk.
Dan aku harus berusaha memaknai setiap bentuk yang kau buat. Aku mampu melukiskan dirimu asalkan kau jujur dalam menciptakan diriku untuk mendeskripsikan dirimu. Aku sering kali kau tutupi dan kau simpan rapat-rapat dan kadang kala kau umbar-umbar diriku yang tak tahu kejujurannya. Selembar kertas itu adalah rumah bagi kita, disitulah sejarah kita diukir dan dimuseumkan, disitulah kita menyatu, kadang kita rapi kadang kita kasat kusut dan adakalanya kita penuh noda dan seringkali kita bersih tanpa coret-coretan ataupun pemutih yang hendak menutupi kesalahan namun tetap saja meninggalkan bekas. Ada banyak kertas yang telah kita tempati dan setiap kertas memiliki cerita masing-masing tentang kita. aku tak tahu kita telah berada dihalaman keberapa? Yang kutahu kertas itu telah menebal dan menyatu dalam satu sampul yaitu kebahagiaan.

1.                   Descriptive paragraph 2.                   300-500 words your dream family a person you admire a place yo...